BTP Unite Blog Post
What Is the Right Amount of Communication?
Communication is a key element of any marketing initiative. But how much is too much (or too little)? It’s a question that doesn’t have one correct answer, and that answer can fluctuate over time. The answer also depends on the medium being used to convey messages. Here, we discuss some considerations in determining how to most effectively communicate with your target audience.
As a general rule, more communication is better than less communication. More communication increases feelings of connectivity to brands and gives customers a sense that brands care about them. On the other hand, little communication can result in brands being lost in a sea of messaging that penetrates the lives of many consumers.
In terms of what is defined as too much or too little communication, it really depends on the medium you’re using. If you are communicating via e-mail or text, you likely should communicate less frequently through that channel than if you are utilizing social or television.
But why? E-mail and text are both much more personal platforms than is television or even social. We receive and send personal messages via text and e-mail, and are not thinking about brands in the same way as we are if we’re watching television or are on the internet, which are both more public, open places where we’re more likely and willing to receive outside information.
As a result, continual but less frequent communication on a channel like e-mail is more appropriate, while more frequent communication to keep your brand top of mind is a good idea on social platforms.
There is no specific level or frequency of communication that works well for every brand. Each company must learn about their customers and adjust their communications strategies and frequencies around what receives the most engagement and, ultimately, what leads to the most sales in that particular group of consumers.